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Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Veronica Hunnicutt
"Dr. Straight Talk"

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Born in Sacramento, California, Dr. Veronica Hunnicutt began her teaching career with the San Francisco Unified School District. After working with S.F.U.S.D. for three years, she joined City College of San Francisco (CCSF) in 1972 and has served in a number of positions, including Dean of the Southeast Campus, Acting Dean of the Southeast Campus, Acting Dean of Students, Dean of the Office of Student Affairs, Chair of the African American American Studies Department, Diversity Calendar Coordinator, Coordinator of the Partnerships to Achieve Academic Success Program (PAAS) and Instructor in both the English and Engineering Departments. She also served as Chair of the Sustainability Subcommittee, a Shared Governance entity, for the college. 

Additionally, Dr. Hunnicutt's other academic achievements included serving as a member of the Academic Senate, Chair of the Student Equity Committee, and a member of the Matriculation, Student Success, Transfer Enhancement, Affirmative Action, and Shared Governance/Staff Development committees. She served as a member of the Personnel Committee and as a Faculty Adviser in the English Department.  Dr. Hunnicutt was selected as one of the participants from City College of San Francisco to the American Cultures Scholar Program at the University of California at Berkeley. She served as a member of the Educational Masterplan and Bi-Partite committees, and she is a former member of the Administrator's Association Executive Committee.  

She is also a co-founder of the African American Achievement Program (A.A.A.P.) and the developer of original Afrocentric English materials used in A.A.A.P. classes at CCSF.  Dr. Hunnicutt created activities, courses, and programs for students of all ages in the course of her professional career. As Dean of the Southeast Campus, she lobbied for and was successful in getting entry-level biotechnology courses leading to jobs in related businesses and organizations for community residents and other students.

Dr. Hunnicutt has extensive community organizing and development experience and has served as a member of the Mayor's Citizens' Advisory Committee for Community Development, as a member of the Housing Production Advisory Panel at the State Level, and as a board member of the San Francisco Mental Health Association, the Opportunity Industrialization Center (O.I.C.), the Center for Public Education, the Bayview YMCA, and Communities in Schools. Ms. Hunnicutt was Vice President of Oceanview, Merced, Ingleside (O.M.I.) Community Association and a member of the O.M.I. Board for several years.  

She was also appointed by Mayor George Moscone as a Commissioner on the Commission on the Status of Women and as a member of the Citizens' Advisory Committee for Community Development. She has also served on the UCSF Committee on Human Research and as a Board Member of the San Francisco Parks Trust. In 2007 Mayor Gavin Newsom appointed Dr. Hunnicutt to the Citizen's Advisory Committee of the Bayview Hunter's Point Shipyard. In this capacity, she has served as Chair of the CAC for the Shipyard for fourteen years. In 2010, Mayor Gavin Newsom also appointed Dr. Hunnicutt to the position of Commissioner of the San Francisco Housing Authority. 

She is a member of both community benefits entities for the Bayview, the IC, and the Legacy Foundation. These organizations provide educational, workforce development, and housing assistance to residents of Bayview and District 10. Dr. Hunnicutt serves as the Chair of the Community Advisory Body (CRC) for Minnie and Lovie Park. She is a founding member of the Alliance for Girls (2018), a member of the local advisory group of It’s Time Network, and a legacy member of the PWIC (Powerful Women International). 

In all of her volunteer community activities, Dr. Hunnicutt is committed to serving the needs of all people regardless of who they are and where they live.


Listed in Who's Who Among America's Teachers for 1997 and 1998, Dr. Hunnicutt was honored by CCSF students of the Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society and was designated as one of CCSF's most appreciated teachers for a number of years. She was a recipient of several awards of appreciation from students of the African American Achievement Program (A.A.A.P.) and the recipient of a special award for service to San Francisco residents in 1983 from Mayor Dianne Feinstein. She also had a day named in her honor in 2000 by Mayor Willie Brown. Dr. Hunnicutt received a Certificate of Appreciation award from Greg Fortner, Vorice Cook, and Sula Palega of the San Francisco Housing Authority for her work with the agency. She was also listed in the National Register of Who's Who in Executives and Professionals (2004-2005 edition). In 2005, she was honored during African American History Month as a Local Hero by KQED, Union Bank, and Kaiser Permanente and later in the year as a Changemaker by the Senior Ex-Offender Program of the Bayview Hunters Point Multipurpose Senior Services, Inc. Dr. Hunnicutt was also named as a Woman of the Year for 2018 by Senator Scott Weiner of the 11th District. Dr. Hunnicutt became an Honorary member of Beta Pi Sigma Sorority in 2021.


Dr. Hunnicutt was a member of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (F.A.C.C.C.), the Council on Black American Affairs, and the Association of California Community College Administrators (A.C.C.C.A.). She was a mentee of A.C.C.C.A. and participated in both the Asilomar Women Leaders Program and the Kaleidoscope Leadership Institute.


Dr. Hunnicutt is also the Founder and CEO of HG, Inc. and the Hunnicutt Foundation. She was the Keynote Speaker at the Beta Pi Sigma Sorority, Inc. “Youth takes Priority” luncheon on May 16, 2015.  Dr. Hunnicutt was also a Motivational Speaker at the Alice Griffith Tenants' Association and Urban Strategies Class of 2015 High School graduates' recognition activity. She was also the Keynote Speaker at the Beta Pi Sigma Sorority/Delta Chapter women’s event in 2019. Dr. Hunnicutt continues to serve as a guest speaker at various community events.  


She loves God, attends church, and is committed to manifesting God’s and Christ’s love by serving others. 


Dr. Hunnicutt earned her degrees at City College of San Francisco (A.A.), the University of San Francisco (B.S. and Teaching Credential), CSU-San Francisco State University (M.A.), and the University of San Francisco (Ed. D.).


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